
Thought leadership on cost avoidance, stakeholder management, vendor selection and more. Plus, find articles on news and trends impacting your market.

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Navigating the Airline Industry's Instability: Part 2
While consumer demand remains high for airlines, the industry's instability has resulted in significantly reduced demand and revenue for suppliers.
Economic Trends
Supply Chain Trends
Category Management
Strategic Sourcing
Navigating the Airline Industry's Instability: Part 1
Two of the largest aircraft manufacturers are facing challenges with production that affect consumers and businesses. Read more for best practices that help minimize airfare costs.
Economic Trends
Supply Chain Trends
Cost Avoidance
What Does Procurement Need to Know About the US CHIPS Act?
The CHIPS Act of 2022 is finally taking root in several US states, bolstering domestic semiconductor production. Read on to discover how the act will positively affect procurement.
Economic Trends
Cost Avoidance
Supply Chain Trends
Category Management
Strategic Sourcing
Speed to Market
Coupa Inspire Guide: Navigating the Conference with ProcurementIQ
Coupa Inspire is just around the corner. Read more for the top 5 highlights you simply cannot miss at this year’s event.
Vendor Mangement
Supply Chain Trends
Stakeholder Management
Strategic Sourcing
Category Management
Emerging Technologies Shaping the Future of Procurement
The need for new technologies for procurement to tackle supply chain challenges has only grown. Read more to learn about the latest emerging technologies in the industry.
Supply Chain Trends
Cost Avoidance
Unpacking the New Independent Contractor Rules
The Department of Labor's new ruling will impact the trucking and construction industry. Read more to find out how procurement professionals should prepare for these changes.
Cost Avoidance
Economic Trends
Supply Chain Trends
Speed to Market
Putting Deloitte's CPO Survey Into Actionable Next Steps
Deloitte's CPO Survey is always packed full of valuable perspectives, but the real question is: where do we go from here? Read more to find out where procurement is heading.
Economic Trends
Stakeholder Management
Strategic Sourcing
How Shipping Disruptions Along the Panama and Suez Canals Will Affect Procurement
Global shipping faces major disruptions due to climate issues and geopolitical conflicts. Read more for insights on how procurement professionals can take actional steps.
Supply Chain Trends
Economic Trends
Cost Avoidance
Speed to Market
Supply Chain 101: Supply Chain Risk Can Mean Credit Risk, Too
Sometimes seeking cost savings exclusively can make a company’s supply chain vulnerable. Read more for insights into protecting your credit rating through supply chain management.
Supply Chain Trends
Category Management
Economic Trends
Cost Avoidance